Getting Here

You can get here via WheelTrans, public transit, by bicycle, by car. We have 4 accessible parking spots. More details>>

Here is more information on National Yacht Club facilities: NYC Facilities>>


You will be given an appointment for an evaluation before your first sail, usually half an hour before your scheduled sailing time.  A trained member of the Able Sail Toronto staff will ask you for information about your abilities and disabilities as well as any medical conditions that we should be aware of. The information gathered will be used to determine the best way we can meet your needs, more specifically how you will:

  • Get on and off the dock
  • Get in and out of the boat
  • Be safely and securely seated in the boat
  • Control the boat

This information is kept on file so that each time you come to sail our staff will have whatever equipment you might need ready for you.

Can I bring a friend or family members?

Friends or family members are welcome to accompany you to the sailing club however they will not be able to sail with you. While you're sailing they can enjoy the upper deck of the club or go to the nearby Little Norway Park or explore Harbourfront on Queens Quay which has many interesting shops and cafés.

What to bring with you

  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle
  • Special cushion (if desired, though we have cushions)
  • If it is cool out a jacket may be helpful
  • We have life jackets , but you might have one you especially like, feel free to bring it
  • Shoes that can get wet
  • Some people bring specialized gloves to help them hold onto the tiller

Most importantly, bring a smile!

What if its raining?

Sailors aren't afraid of water! As long as there is wind we will sail! However we will not sail if there is a risk of thunderstorms. In this case we will call you to cancel your sail and re-schedule a new one. If you aren't sure, call the office at 416-963-5900. Please note that the weather at the Club is often quite different than in the city. If it is raining downtown the sun may be shining on the Harbourfront.

Accessible washrooms?

There are manual wheelchair accessible washrooms next to the Able Sail Toronto office, in both the men's and ladies' locker rooms on the ground floor. These will be upgraded to also accommodate motorized wheelchairs. There is a portopotty outside.

Food and drink

Feel free to bring your own food and beverages if you want to snack or eat before or after your sail. National Yacht Club also has a dining room that is accessible via elevator on the second floor of the main clubhouse. And a wonderful upper deck!

** Accessible doors with hand wave actuators can get you in and out of the building and bathrooms.