Membership Application

Missing PHP INTL extension As this system does not include the PHP intl extension, CiviCRM has fallen back onto a slightly less accurate and deprecated method to format money

We are pleased you have chosen to apply to be a member of Able Sail Toronto.

Your application will be reviewed by the board of directors for membership in Able Sail Toronto. You can expect to receive notification of the status of your application within 5  to 7 business days of submission.

Able Sail Toronto reserves the right to dismiss an application for membership at its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever, subject only to such limitations as may be imposed by the applicable laws of the province of Ontario or Canada. 

Our goal is to maintain the integrity, spirit and safety of the program. If, for any reason, your application conflicts with these goals, this program may not be right for you.

Please complete the information below and submit your application for membership.

Total Amount
Applying for Membership in Able Sail Toronto
I consent to allow Able Sail Toronto to use photographs or videos of me for any educational, training or promotional purposes.

I hereby assume the risks of participating in all activities associated with this organization. This includes any risk that is amplified by my own health and wellness as well as any risks that may result from negligence, carelessness, lack of caution or failure to seek assistance when required. I further agree that risks may arise from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained or controlled by the organization through no fault of their own. It is understood that I can modify my level of participation in consideration of these factors or cease participation at any time.

In consideration of my being permitted to take part in Able Sail Toronto activities, I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified Able Sail Toronto, their organizers and their respective agents from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property, howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with my taking part in any activity notwithstanding that the same may have contributed to or caused or occasioned by the negligence of the same bodies or their agents, officials, volunteers or representatives. I further understand and agree that this release is binding upon myself, my heirs, executors and assigns.

By agreeing to the Terms & Conditions, I agree to abide by all Club By-Laws, Policies and Rules and Regulations and specifically acknowledges the following:
• Able Sail Toronto reserves the right to dismiss an application for membership at its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever, subject only to such limitations as may be imposed by the applicable laws of the Province of Ontario or Canada.
• The membership year commences October 1st and ends September 30th of the following calendar year.
• Membership is based on availability, seniority and approval by the board of directors.
• If this application is accepted, I agree to pay all annual fees and sailing fees promptly.
• I understand that late payments may be assessed a service charge.
• All information contained in this application is true and correct.