20231101 - Able Sail Toronto is looking for dedicated Board Members to provide a regular monthly commitment for a two (2) or one (1) year term.
We require individuals who have Able Sail Toronto’s best interest in mind. You will be required to attend monthly meetings, take on regular responsibilities and may also work on special projects and events.
Four Positions are up for re-election:
- 3 for a 2 year term
- 1 for a 1 year term
As per the Able Sail Toronto By-laws the Board of Directors has appointed a Nomination Committee consisting of two (2) or three (3) Representatives that are Members in Good Standing. The Nominating Committee oversees the process for the selection of candidates. The 2023 Nomination Committee consists of two 2023 members: Tracy Schmitt and Sofia Kanibolotskaia. All candidates will receive a phone call from a member of the Nomination Committee as part of the vetting process.
Candidates may express their interest by 6:00pm on November 20, 2023 through the following process:
- Find a Member in Good Standing to be your nominator / Nominate a Member in Good Standing
- Have both the Nominee and the Nominator fill out and sign the Nomination Form (attached)
- Each candidate must fill out a Candidate Profile (attached) The Candidate Profile includes a brief biography of the candidate including their occupation, Club history, Board of Directors experience at AST, other organizations and sailing background.
The Nomination Form and Candidate Bio should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by November 20, 2023. Each candidate will receive a phone call from a member of the Nomination Committee for brief interview. Candidates will be presented to the Board of Directors. Election of new Board Members will occur at the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
More Information:
About the Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors is elected by the members of Able Sail Toronto. They are responsible for decisions regarding the operations of the club including hiring staff, financials, communication, social events, funding, etc.
Typical board meeting agenda:
- Approve previous minutes
- Financial update
- Club issues
- Events - upcoming
- Monthly newsletter and web updates
- Reports from Committees
- Task statuses
- Set next board meeting date
Formal Call for Nominations and Applicable Able Sail Toronto By-Laws
Please be advised that pursuant to the provisions of By-Law 5.5, notice is herby given that the Secretary, Able Sail Toronto will receive through email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., any nominations for office and will receive any motions that members wish to bring forward at the 2023 Annual General Meeting from this day forward until the closing of nominations at 6:00 PM on November 20, 2023.
In accordance with By-law 5.5, Candidates are required to fill out a Candidate Profile, a brief biography of the candidate including their occupation, Club history, Board of Directors experience at AST or other organizations and sailing background. The Candidate Profile form is attached to this email and can be requested from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. And further take notice, nominations for any office for which the nominee is eligible shall be in writing and shall bear the signature of the Nominator and the Nominee, the signature of whom shall confirm the nominee’s agreement to stand for election. The standard nomination form is attached to this email and can be requested.
The 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held online with meeting platform, Zoom. The date will be announced once the financial review is completed by the accountants.
Applicable By-Laws:
3.2 Member in Good Standing - A member will be in good standing provided they have completed and submitted all required documentation, have complied with the By-laws, have not been suspended or expelled and have paid all required membership dues and sailing fees. If the member ceases to be in good standing, they will not be entitled to vote at general meetings of the membership.
5.5 Nominations - At least two (2) months before the Annual General Meeting, the Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of two (2) or three (3) Representatives that are Members in Good Standing.
a) Forty-five (45) days prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall issue a ‘Call for Nominations’ using any means of communication (including electronic).
b) The Call for Nominations will state:
a. the method by which nominations may be made;
b. any requirements related to nominations; and
c. that the deadline for submission of nominations is thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
c) The Nominating Committee shall endeavor to ensure that there is a full slate of qualified candidates for all positions to be elected by the Members. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall report to the Board at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the Annual General Meeting, said report to include:
a. The names of all the candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee or submitted by any Member; and
b. a brief biography of each candidate.
c. After the Nominating Committee’s report has been considered by the Board, the Board by resolution shall determine the names of all the candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Board.
d. The Nominating Committee report as approved by the Board will be distributed to the Members twenty-one (21) days prior to the Annual General Meeting using any means of communication (including electronic).